Tuesday 3 June 2014

To You...

My Man,  My Best Friend,  My King. 

Thank you for being you. 
Thank you for working so hard for us. 
Thank you for making me laugh. 
Thank you for putting up with my craziness (this happens often). 
Thank you for teaching me to love.
Thank you for loving me...just as I am.  

Happy Anniversary!!!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

R.I.P Maya Angelou

"If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change your attitude".  Maya Angelou.

What a sad, sad day to hear of the passing of Maya Angelou, aged 86.  A true inspiration to many throughout her amazing life and I'm sure she'll inspire many more through her words and works that certainly made me long to be a great writer one day.

The very first book I read that was of my own choosing and not from the school list of recommendations, was "I know why the caged birds sing".  I came across the book in a library and was drawn to its cover.  The title made me curious to know too, why the caged birds sing.  I was not expecting the content of this book, but once read, I was hooked on all she wrote.

As an adult woman, the poem " Phenomenal Woman" spoke to me, as if it was me Maya was talking about.  Still today I relate to this poem and have found no other to replace its fervent message.

She will be surely missed by all who knew her and knew of her.

Another legendary role model taken from us, but imprinted in our hearts.


Monday 26 May 2014

A Woman's Intuition...


Learn to trust your intuition, because that very first instinctive feeling is usually correct. 

It's when we over-analyse and question, that the the truth evades us.  Emotions begin to take over and blur our judgement.  If you instinctively feel something, don't try to second guess it or you will try to find a logical reason to why it can't be true.

And don't act on it straight away.  Sit calm.  Truth has a way of presenting itself when it is least expected.  And don't look for clues or evidence to back you up, as things have a way of looking like what we think they are.  

Don't be anyone's fool neither.

If that very first gut-feeling is right, all will come to light eventually.  Men are not all as smart as they like to portray themselves and they will try to make it into something else, or worst still, deny, deny, deny.

But when the truth comes out, don't be afraid to demand that respect of yourself.  Don't be afraid to walk away from that person who does not fit your standards.  You have the right to demand it because you deserve it.  Don't let him convince otherwise.

He will lie to you.  He will deny everything.  He will give you a story that sounds like the truth.  He will do all this because he doesn't want to be seen for who he really is and because he doesn't want to lose you.  But, don't let him fool you.  He didn't 'make a mistake', he did it out of selfishness.  Out of the inability to control himself.  A man who has no control cannot be trusted.  And if he does have control over his actions and still does it, then he is no man worthy of you.

Sunny Brighton...

Happy Bank Holiday to those of you in the UK and a big Hello to those of you who aren't.

Got to tell you about a play I attended yesterday at the Brighton Fringe Festival with my cousin Jacqueline Crooks.

'Unclouded Moon' is a humorous, but moving play regarding three women over three generations of Irish decent.  The play takes you on a journey of each woman's personal experience, having been defined by the cultural background they were raised in and each suffering in their own way, wanting to break free and justify their own definitive self.

I found this play to be well presented with impacting focus, positioning you right in the heart of the characters.  At one point, I felt a lump try to stifle me as I related to a particular scene and realised that any woman could find a connection with the play where diversity stands.

I came away feeling revived and encouraged.  My cousin Jacqueline, made it an exceptional experience with her insight and enthusiasm.

The weather was fantastic and rather than head straight home, I chose to walk the promenade, treating myself to the great british tradition of fish & chips.

Returning home on the train, I was alone, but felt calm and focused with a clear plan in my head for what I need to do next with my writing.  I realised that I only need to believe in myself and have the confidence to go forward.  I should also stop allowing the opinions of others to overwhelm me and trust more in myself.

I have a passion and regardless of whether it's an actual talent or not, it's the only thing that really uplifts me and sets me free from my own bird cage.  I don't need the approval of others, I only need my own and self-belief can achieve many a wonderful thing.   

Tuesday 20 May 2014


The role of 'Mother' is all too often taken for granted.

It's not really understood by all what a mother does in the background, in order for things to run the way they do.

The pride a mother feels when she see's her child take their place in the world and achieve all those hopes and dreams she held in her heart for them, is worth more than any weight in gold.

But, they say they couldn't care less.  They don't need her.  

But, remove the mother and the ground falls apart.  The foundations shatter.  And their need for her love is immense.

From the day you are born, we are bound to you and nothing, NOTHING you throw back at us in anger, frustration or fear can change it.  We'll be hurting and we'll be in pain, but it won't change it.

We will love you til our dying breathe, even if we disagree with your opinions, your lifestyle or your path.  We can only pray that God will guide you when we cannot and protect you where you won't allow us.

We're Mother's - not miracle workers and sometimes we wish we were.  But, all we can give in the face of adversity is a Mother's love.

Don't try to put a price on it, because one day you will truly know just how priceless it really is.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Just Chilling....

Saturday afternoon.  Coffee and a smile.  Just relaxing on the sofa with my man watching the racing.

The sun is greeting everyone with its wide toothy grin, laughing heartily as he watches the happiness spread out below.

I love days like theseI'm just so blessed with my life and hope there are plenty out there loving theirs.

Blessings x

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Facing The Truth

Wow!  Some people can be so ungrateful for the help and support they receive from others.  There are those who refuse to look at themselves in the mirror and say, ' I need to change' and fail to see the impact that their actions have on those who are directly linked to them.

I'm no saint - trust me on that!  But, I speak from experience and lessons learned from mistakes of my past and don't talk out the crack of my arse!  I too, still have a lesson to learn - I'm aware of it and will get there. 

Life is a teacher and we're all part of its class.

Anyone who knows me well, know's I can be quite unforgiving in certain situations, but I will help those who show they are serious about helping themselves.   I don't forgive the same mistake made over and over again, in fact, I'll probably only forgive it once!  I do understand that some learn lessons slower than others and I take that into consideration.  But, you must take heed of the truth that is facing you!

All I'm saying is, don't spit in the face of those who genuinely want and will help.  They're not doing it for a reward other than maybe a thank you.  They are doing it because they know you are worth something in this life and want to show you that you too have value!

That's my rant for the day!

Each day I give thanks, as I'm blessed in ways that are more than enough for me and I never forget that.


Black Supporting Black

Hey People!

My new favourite TV channel has to be London Live.  Finally a channel I feel isn't trying to pull the wool over my eyes and cover ALL aspects of London and ALL londoner's.  True diversity!

Recently on this channel, I watched 'Nothing to Something', where one of my favourite inspirers Richard Blackwood, was interviewed telling it as it is.

Most people had heard of Richard's bankruptcy back in 2007.  But, something that Richard mentioned in his interview was the fact that the first time he was covered in a black magazine, was when everything went tits up! 

What I want to know, and I know it happened a long time ago, is why this magazine wasn't praising Richard Blackwood's achievements from the day he was making a name for himself!

What inspires me is the way Richard has risen above this and has a successful career.  He didn't allow all that negativity define him. 

As black people, we should first know and understand why something is occuring and support our bredrens.

Monday 12 May 2014

Good Morning People!

So, I thought I'd tell you a little bit more about my background so that we can get to know each better.

Firstly, both my parents are from the West Indies or more commonly used Caribbean.  My father, Clyde Wright is from a little place called Callabash Bay in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica.  And my Mother Carol, whose maiden name was Apparicio is from Barataria in Port of Spain, Trinidad.  They came to England in the 60's and met at a venue in Hammersmith, West London.

I'm very proud of my Jamaican and Trinidadian roots and now even prouder that I have my King, Martin who is a Trinidian Rastafarian.

Families who came from the West Indies, ensured they kept with their roots and teach their children about how life was back home.  It was the home-sick Trinidadians who started the Notting Hill Carnival back in the 60's.

If there's one thing that throws me back to the happy memories of my childhood, it's going to my mum's and smelling the fried fish, callaloo and dumplings as I walk through the door!

Unfortunately, my mother didn't have the time to teach me to cook.  But, just watching her was enough for me to pick it up and teach myself.  Now, I will admit that I don't cook many varied dishes, but what I can cook - I cook well.  There's no such thing as an empty plate in our house!

But, what is a crime, is that I have been to Jamaica, but never been to Trinidad!  But, don't fret, I'm going to sort that soon.  Martin and I have been talking about going on holiday there and visiting family members.  So, when that happens I'm sure I'll be telling you about it right here.

Well my dears, I must make a move, as no one pays my bills but me!  So, I'll say bye for now and will catch up with you all later.


Hi! And welcome to my blog!

This is my first time blogging, so bare with me as I acquaint myself!

The purpose of this blog is to share, understand and reason the things we all experience in our lives. There's no subject I'm not willing to touch upon and I hope in return, I'll get something back.

I believe that what you put into this life, you will gain in return.  Therefore, we must remember that our character becomes our destiny.  We must be conscious of ourselves and our surroundings and question and reason everything we learn in life.  Nothing should be taken for granted because you don't always know what's going on behind your back.  When the truth is facing you, remember to take heed!

Well, it's a short one for now.  Just wanted to introduce myself and I hope you take some sunshine from my postings, because I know I'm going to enjoy writing them.

Blessings for now...

Ann Marie